Sanskritization of English
To help our movement, please donate by going to: • Infinity Foundation has launched an ambitious movement against the popular trend of replacing Sanskrit words with English substitutes even when the substitution is incomplete, misleading or outright wrong. By preserving special Sanskrit words when a person speaks or writes in English (or some other language), at least three benefits would occur: • 1. PROTECTION OF SANSKRIT: The Sanskrit word does not get digested into English, distorted and eventually made to disappear. • 2. SANSKRITIZING ENGLISH: English speakers who adopt this habit become ambassadors spreading the vocabulary of English in an easy, friendly manner. This will eventually increase the presence of Sanskrit terms in English and thereby enrich English. • 3. POISON PILLS: Sanskrit terms that are impossible to digest into Western frameworks will provoke Western thinkers to reconcile them with their own metaphysical assumptions. Eventually these will become poison pills and dismantle or disrupt some Western ideas. • Infinity Foundation pioneered this idea in the book, Being Different, by Rajiv Malhotra, where the largest chapter is devoted to this idea. Since then, we have been developing multiple ways to popularize this among scholars and the general public. • Besides writing a book on Sanskrit Non-Translatables, we are launching a series on the RajivMalhotra.Official YouTube and Facebook channels. Each week we wish to teach a non-translatable word and encourage the viewers to include it in their English vocabulary henceforth. These videos will also be turned into an e-learning course. • To donate to Infinity Foundation’s projects including the continuation of such episodes and the research we do: • इनफिनिटी फ़ौंडेशन की परियोजनाओं को अनुदान देने के लिए व इस प्रकार के एपिसोड और हमारे द्वारा किये जाने वाले शोध को जारी रखने के लिए: • To Subscribe to Rajiv Malhotra Official: • राजीव मल्होत्रा ऑफिसियल की सदस्यता लेने के लिए: / @rajivmalhotraofficial • Join Rajiv's discussion (राजीव की चर्चा से जुडें):