BeVisible Every Strand Tells a Story Prisha


🎥 Watch our short film to learn more about Prisha. • “I don’t want people to feel all alone like me. For many of us with a chronic condition, one of the hardest parts of adapting to an illness is your indefinite identity. It can be hard to recognize the person you are due to a longstanding illness. I still struggle with my limitations being so apparent. • I will have these conditions for the rest of my life. I could be sad, angry, or hopeless. But I choose to let my chronic illness make a change in the world and most importantly, make me kind - both to myself and to others.” • Sturge-Weber syndrome (SWS) is a condition that affects the skin and nervous system. It can also affect the brain and eyes. SWS causes abnormally enlarged blood vessels, creating growths called angiomas in the skin. These angiomas known as Port Wine Stains, look like dark red wine splashed on the skin. • Port-wine stain birthmarks are not dangerous or harmful. • There are 3 types of SWS and no two people will be affected in the exact same way. The first symptom of SWS is usually a port-wine stain birthmark on the forehead and upper eyelid. • SWS is rare. Only one in 20,000-50,000 newborns have the condition. About three in 1,000 babies are born with a port-wine birthmark. • These visible differences can affect anyone, regardless of skin colour or ethnic origin. • If you or someone you know is affected by a visible difference / SWS, @sturge_weber_uk can provide advice and support. • #BeVisible • #EveryStrandTellsAStory • #Strength • #RoleModel • #Respect • #Disability • #Struggle • #VisibleDifference • #VatikaMultiVitaminPlus • #StrongerRoots • #BeVisibleWithVatika • 🎬 @AmeetChana Vikrant Chopra • 🎵 @rishirich • 📸 @Amitandnaroop • 💡 @ethnicreach


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