Dekat di Hati Cover Indrani
We are not professional musicians but we love to share the joy of making music between our Singapore and Jakarta homes. This is a song that reflects how we both take care of each other across the seas. The song 'Dekat Di Hati' was created by RAN (Rayi, Asta and Nino), which tells the story of a Long Distance Relationship. • Song Title: Dekat di Hati • Written by: RAN (Rayi, Asta Nino) • Arrangement by: Rani • Digital Input Device: Arturia KeyLab 88 MkII • Piano, Bass, Organ: Rani • Drums: Indi • Vocal: Rani Indi • Cubase digital sound editing: Rani • Adobe Premiere Pro video production: Indi • Piano and Vocal Music score: Rani link: