How bees turn nectar into honey
This is one of my favorite bee shots. You can watch the way the feet move against the movement of the wings. I am working on a new bee series that will be a short film, 20 minutes or so on bees. I think it will be awesome with some 4K images in it also. Stay tuned and of course subscribe, comment and support the UltraSlo channel wherever you find it. Oh yes please also share and post to all of your social links too. • Thanks so much and like I say, ENJOY • • Please subscribe, comment, rate and share. • Subscribe: • Check out my favorite UltraSlo videos here: • • Thanks, • Enjoy Hello UltraSlo subscribers! We've got lots of new videos in the works. Please check out our TubeStart campaign for updates and to get access to our videos before anyone else! Hello UltraSlo subscribers! We've got lots of new videos in the works. Please check out our TubeStart campaign for updates and to get access to our videos before anyone else!