complete facial reconstruction
1:11 • UPDATED VERSION: • ápokalypso • This subliminal is aimed to have a complete facial reconstruction to achieve your maximum ideal face. • I created a whole new formula for this and it's basically like getting plastic surgery. The formula is so powerful that I really think you could achieve some form of results from your first session of listening. • My face especially my nose bridge was tingling when I was listening to it as I edited it. This subliminal is layered and repeated a LOT. • Helloooo, I'm a new sub maker but I've been in the community almost 2 years, I've made a few other subs but those were for myself • If you have any questions don't hesitate to comment and ask! • tips// • listen at around 40% – 70% • perhaps try a booster before and maybe after for faster results • try practicing loa methods and meditation • drink some water to feed the mind (jk it isn't really necessary but you might get super dehydrated from these powerful af affirmations)