The Unique Experiences and Narratives of ReRooting Among Taiwanese Americans A Talk
Growing up feeling there are always missing pieces, the younger generation of Taiwanese are returning home to establish new lives. They search for traces of their parents' childhoods and aim to reconnect with their inner home. • During this talk, we will explore the discoveries individuals may make about themselves and their identities, the multidimensional challenges they encounter as they strive to re-root and re-anchor themselves in their personal and cultural contexts. In addition, we will discuss the unique healing opportunities that arise during this journey. • Please Note: • This will be the final session of the Taiwanese American Intergenerational Trauma Series. All participants are encouraged to remain afterwards for a group discussion to process the experiences and insights gained throughout the series.Group Processing will start approximately at 20:30. • *For follow-up sessions those in the US or other countries, check out Eventbrite! • • Speaker: Evon Chiu ι±ιΈθ³ • *Founder of the Taiwan Multicultural Counseling Association, Evon has dedicated the past decade to working closely with Taiwanese Americans and expatriate clients. She currently provides training and supervision to Taiwanese counselors, focusing on the decolonization of therapy movement in Taiwan. Evon Chiu is a pioneer in culture-attuned and trauma-informed therapy within Taiwan's mental health sector.