How to get the right fall when laying drain pipes


How to get the right fall when laying drain pipes is a question I get asked a lot. 1 in 40 maximum and 1 in 110 as a minimum is the rule of thumb. The best and easiest way to ensure the correct fall is to use a level with a packer of the right thickness on one side. divide the length of your level by 40mm and that will be the thickness of packer required for a 1 in 40 and once that bubble is level your fall will be right. Cutting and fitting drain pipes is time consuming and must plumbers will not lay drainage due to the digging and intense physical labour but I seem to enjoy laying and repairing drains, apart from the digging that is. Use pee gravel to support and pack the pipes to the level you require and always ensure to cover the pipes in this material before back filling. A good tip would be for you to take photo evidence of your work before back filling. #shorts


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