Python Pytorch Tutorials 2 Transfer Learning Inference with ImageNet Models
Pytorch is another deep learning framework, which I am finding to be more intuitive than the other popular framework Tensorflow. • As we continue with this mini series of transfer learning with Pytorch, • we will now learn about inference and imagenet Models. • Imagenet models are open-sourced models that were trained on million-image dataset on 1000 categories. • These models will form the basis of transfer learning, which as the concept name reads, the transfering of • a model to a custom dataset; our dataset. • • Before we initiate transfer learning we need to first understand a little more about imagenet models as well as • inference. • • • Just created a facebook page: • • • Here is my reddit account for sharing links: • / sayaos • Here is my twitter account for programming: • / moondra2017 • Here is my github account: •