Making Staghorn Sumac Tincture
*** Disclaimer: I am not a doctor nor am I a practicing physician. Just an herbalist doing what comes naturally for my family. • Hello and welcome to Old Ways Gardening and Prepping. 🍀 Would like to welcome you underneath my canopy in the backyard on this beautiful day to make medicine. This video has spanned several weeks and now I can finally sit down long enough to finish making one part of the video. Today we will be talking about making Staghorn sumac tincture. • Staghorn sumac is one amazing medicinal plant that unfortunately too many people believe that is poisonous. It's the easiest way to control people is to make them believe that it's poisonous and forget the old ways of how to heal oneself naturally. My Ancestors have always used staghorn sumac as a winter tea to clean kidneys out as well as one very tasty lemonade. It is one amazing healing plant and now let's delve into the healing abilities of Staghorn sumac. • Many Native American tribes used staghorn sumac to treat colds, sore throats, fever, infections, diarrhea, dysentery and scurvy. They also mixed the berries with clay to make a wound salve as well. It also lowers blood sugar, as it has hypoglycemic properties and can aid in diabetes management. It is an excellent herb for the treatment of inflammatory conditions of the urinary tract, whether or not they are due to infection. It will reduce inflammation, promote tissue healing, and help reduce infection due to many kinds of bacteria as well as Candida albicans. Sumac helps to reduce prostate inflammation as well. • Sumac is useful for the treatment of fever and respiratory infections. It helps to dry out the sinuses in colds, sinus infections, and allergies. It is a very safe herb and can be used for the treatment of childhood fevers such as chicken pox and measles. Have found it to be very effective for this application but it isn’t clear whether it just lowers blood sugar levels or helps to restore pancreas function. More studies need to be done to know more about how wonderful Staghorn sumac works for diabetes. These are just a few of many more healing benefits of Staghorn sumac. • Also want to remind everyone that if you are allergic to cashews, mangoes or pistachios please be careful using staghorn sumac. • Hope this video encourages you as well to harvest your own Staghorn sumac berries. It is one very strong healing plant that takes care of many ailments in the human body. If you have any questions please feel free to ask them in the comments section below. Everyone take care and have a blessed day. • Blessings, • Teresa • #allnaturalhealingmedicine #howtomakestaghornsumactincture #healingbenefitsofstaghornsumac #selfsufficiency • Please donate if you can so I can build more raised beds for vegetables and medicinal herbs. • • To send donations to Paypal so that I will be able to buy alcohol to teach how to make tinctures. Will keep the receipts to show exactly what donations are spent for. • My PayPal ID is: @Cedar • My Amazon wish list: • • I'm on Instagram as @old_ways_gardeningandprepping. Install the app to follow my photos and videos.