Pinch Me Barenaked Ladies Jason Knight LIVE Cover pinchme barenakedladies jasonknightmusic
Hey all! I've been playing out live a lot for the past few years and can't really Livestream from these places, so I want to share some of the songs I enjoy singing out! Hope you enjoy this cover of Barenaked Ladies Pinch Me . #pinchme #barenakedladies #jasonknightmusic • This song really does remind of being a kid and growing up in the 90's. The I just made you say underwear line near the end always makes my girls chuckle lol. Hope you enjoy! Let me know what you think in the comments • If you enjoy this and my music consider hitting that LIKE button and Subscribing, it really helps me out! • Looking for other ways to support my music? Check out my official website and join my official Street Team! • • Thanks so much!