Area Zero Acapella Cover Pokemon Scarlet amp Violet


Hello there! This is my original acapella arrangement of the Area Zero theme from Pokemon Scarlet and Violet! It also contains a small snippet of the Crystal Pool theme from the same game's DLC, but just the very ending part~ I am honestly super duper proud of how this came out, so I really hope you'll enjoy it too! I normally don't say this, but if you do enjoy it, leaving a like and comment would be much appreciated~ • I won't go too into detail to avoid spoilers, but I'm sure I'm not the only person who was absolutely blown away when I first heard the Area Zero theme in game. It took me some time to figure out how I'd put this cover together, but now that I have, I really couldn't be prouder! Even the percussion is all done by hand, as per usual for me--in this case, I used a couple of new things! On top of the usual punching a book and whacking a cooking pot for the drums, I also incorporated my finger cymbals and the new rainstick I got, which I think added some really neat ambience to it! Thanks as well to my husband for hopping on the mic to help with those bass notes too, eheh~ And, of course, credit where credit is due: Before I started making this cover, I checked to see if there were any other Area Zero acapellas out there, and there was a short one by another person that inspired me, ChrisLombardiAcapella--check out his rendition at the link below! •    • Pokemon Scarlet/Violet - Area Zero   • If you're curious, I did the lyrics based on what I could hear in the original, with a couple of liberties taken for things I THOUGHT I could hear but weren't guaranteed. Most of it is done with Japanese pronunciation, save for mon , which I chose to sing as you would the mon in Pokemon , and the dex , which I sang as one would sing Pokedex . In writing, I rendered them as: • Yo go • Ah ri, mon a ri dex • Ya sei yo go dex! • That's all from me for now! Thanks for reading, and for listening :D • The art of me used in the thumbnail, as well as my logo, was done by Mark Thisse: •   / mark-th  


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