Antisynthetase syndrome positive for antithreonyltRNA synthetase anti PL7 antibodies by IIFT
Antisynthetase syndrome (ASS) is characterised by an inflammatory myositis associated with interstitial lung disease (ILD) and antisynthetase antibodies. Other symptoms, including arthritis, Raynaud's phenomenon and mechanic's hands, are also associated with ASS. Several antisynthetase antibodies have been described, with anti-Jo1 being the most common. Little is known about the clinical manifestations of ASS associated with anti-threonyl-tRNA synthetase antibodies (anti-PL7), most probably because anti-PL7 antibodies are particularly rare (5% of myositis 5) and have not been routinely researched in the past. • For more videos abut immunofluorescence patterns click 👇👇👇 • Immunofluorescence: • Список відтворення