Arrow Performance Thin Diameter Parallel Arrows vs Tapered Arrows GrizzlyStik


You might THINK your parallel arrows perform as well as tapered arrows - but do they? • You might wonder what the big deal is with tapered arrows. • It's all about energy retention! Down range arrow performance. • In this video we show how thin diameter parallel arrows compare in energy retention down range to slightly heavier, tapered arrows. (Both sets of arrows are nearly identical in their FOC forward of center balance points.) • Remember - this is only at 20-yards. Imagine the difference between these arrows at 40, 50, 60 yards! • Don't be fooled by speed measurements at the 'muzzle' - make sure you will have enough energy to quickly dispatch your big game animals at the longer yardages. • Test your own arrows. Compare your parallel arrows to our tapered GrizzlyStik arrows. • Try heavier cut on contact broadheads. Put the odds in your favor. • Set yourself up for success - shoot the arrows and broadheads that will give you good clean kills at all shot distances. Even if you encounter bone! • Special thanks to GrizzlyStik​ clan members Isaac Jestus​, and Garen Minser​ for another eye opening video! • Everyone who has bow hunted for a number of years knows what it feels like to lose an animal. In your lifetime you will have a limited number of opportunities at big game. No one wants to miss out on a good opportunity because they used arrows and broadheads that didn't have what it takes to bring down big game animals with clean lethal performance. • Losing animals isn’t good for the bowhunter, the outfitter (if one is used) or the animals. • That’s why, here at Grizzlystik, we design and manufacture arrows and broadheads that SET YOU UP FOR SUCCESS. • When you shoot GrizzlyStik full length tapered carbon arrows and our tough, ultra-sharp cut on contact broadheads – you’re stacking the odds in your favor that you will harvest your big game animals – even when things go wrong. As in all hunting, there always comes a time when things go wrong. • GrizzlyStik is interested in helping bowhunters with their bowhunting success. Whether is’ our Arrow and Broadhead System or even us sharing bowhunting tips to help you with your hunting, Grizzlystik has your back. • Test the GrizzlyStik System for yourself! • We make it easy here: • Find us on FACEBOOK:   / grizzlystik   • Remember to share your stories and pictures/videos of your GrizzlyStik bowhunting success with us! • We’ll share your stories on our website and you may even find yourself featured in one of our videos! • Send content via email to: [email protected] • For this video – we offer a special thanks to... • Top Gun Archery ---- • Trophy Hunters Supply ---- • Category • Sports • License • Standard YouTube License


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