Derivatives Using the Quotient Rule in 20 Seconds
In this video you will learn to use the Quotient Rule to find derivatives of simple functions in about 20 seconds per question. • Many students struggle to properly apply the Chain Rule, Product Rule and Quotient Rule to finding derivatives. The order and pattern may be forgotten and, when more difficult questions are involved that use a combination of techniques, many students lose track of where they are in the process! • This is the third of four videos in which I will try to show you an easier way! No substitutions! No 'bits and pieces' all over the page. • If you learn and practise these techniques, You will be able to find the derivatives of even the most complicated functions in one process, rapidly and without losing track of where you are up to. So, you should find that you complete your derivatives and not leave bits out! • To help you practise this skill, I have created a FREE PDF FILE containing a wide variety of exercises (and their solutions). You might like to work through them either on your own or with friends. You may download the file from here: • If you wish to be informed of each video as I produce it, please subscribe to my channel. • It would be appreciated if you would like and/or comment on this video as well -- especially if these suggestions have helped you. • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • For more information about mathematics or how to study, visit my website, Crystal Clear Mathematics at • If you wish to be kept up to date with what I am producing on the website (ad free, spam free, cost free mathematics and study materials), please add your name to the mailing list there. • Download my FREE 32 page PDF How to Study booklet at • • Best wishes with your study and your mathematics! • Thank you.