Old Time Sally Ann by Thornton and Emily Spencer Whitetop Mountain Band
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=ZRMtw2iCEzc
Albums available at https://whitetopmountainband.bandcamp... • Here's the old dance tune oldtime Sally Ann by Thornton and Emily Spencer. They are members of the Whitetop Mountain Band (http://www.whitetopmountainband.com) based in Grayson County,VA. Thornton was born in 1935 and learned his fiddling from his brother-in-law Albert Hash, Corbett Stamper, Muncey Gaultney, Otis Burris, and several other old-timers. Emily learned to play the clawhammer banjo from Jont Blevins of Whitetop, Enoch Rutherford of Gold Hill,VA, Lawrence Russell of Smyth County, and alot of other oldtimers.