Can Foxes Play Kerplunk
This video was created as part of our work in partnership with Age UK. • We visit the Meadowside day centre in Dartford once a month, to connect with nature through technology. • Research has shown that engaging with nature improves wellbeing and when access to the real thing is limited, using technology to immerse yourself in the sights and sounds of the natural world can be beneficial. • We begin each morning session with a review of what has been captured on our camera traps outside the day centre. We started with a camera trap watching a bird bath, and the subjects have become more inventive as the project continues. In Autumn 2023 we enjoyed watching squirrels solving a maze and we are now testing the intelligence of the local foxes with a custom made ‘Kerplunk’ game. After that, we take a screen break and get our brains working with a wildlife quiz or activity. We end each session with a relaxing video of the natural world. Sometimes this is a virtual walk in the countryside, or just a few minutes of mindfulness with a beautiful nature film or some recorded birdsong. When we turn the lights back on everyone is feeling relaxed and ready for their lunch. • We have received lots of lovely positive feedback about this project and we would love to expand it in the future. Our ambition is to help create a connection with nature for lots more people with limited access to outdoor green spaces. • We are always careful to protect the welfare of the wildlife we watch. • Meadowside squirrel maze- • Meadowside Squirrel Maze - the story ... • Meadowside Fox Challenge - • Meadowside Fox Challenge