B24 Liberator Crash Site at Guadalupe Mountains National Park
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=a-FttoLKDM4
Finding this plane crash site was apart of a larger backpacking trip I did along with ChucoHiker (from YouTube) in October of 2020. In this video I hike off trail to the crash site, talk about what happened to the plane, and about the location of the plane. I won't come out and directly say exactly where the site is because the National Park, for whatever reason, doesn't want the location openly discussed. But I do give quite a bit of info about the site itself. • If you do travel to this crash site, please be respectful of the men that lost their lives in the crash, as well as the wreckage and site itself. • Other videos from this backpacking trip: • Day 1: • • Fall Backpacking Bear Canyon, Hunter ... • Day 2: • • Lost Peak, Manzanita Ridge, Dog Canyo... • Day 3: • • Burnt Forest, B24 Crash, Bush Mountai... • Day 4: • • Night Hike and Sunrise Across the Hig...