PARRIS ISLAND LESSONS People Who Havent Been Through This Will Not Understand You
PARRIS ISLAND LESSONS: People Who Haven't Been Through This Will Not Understand You • 00:00 When you go to boot camp • 00:10 The drill instructors brought in an older Marine Veteran to give a talk • 00:25 When you leave here some of this that you learn is coming with you • • This is a clip from the Oath Pledge Podcast • This episode is hosted by Clint Powell, with guest panelists Army Veteran Jason Smith, Navy Veteran Eric Buchanan USMC Veteran Josh Roe. • This is a story about a lesson I learned at Marine Corps Boot Camp at Parris Island, South Carolina that I've never forgotten. And this has proved to be very true. • Here is a link to the full podcast episode: https://oath-and-pledge.zencast.websi...