How to wire a Double Switch
Student training aid for how to identify basic electrical accessories. In this video we look at a 1 gang 2 way light switch. It’s important in the early stages of training to be an electrician to be able to Identify recognise and name accessories. • This video has been designed to go on the YouTube shelf as a short video in portrait mode. • Videos are training aids for City and Guilds (C and G) and EAL courses Level 1, 2 and 3. • You can follow me day by day on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and TikTok lookout for GSH Electrical. • ▶️ FACEBOOK / gshelectrical • ▶️ INSTAGRAM / brihzmraygdtmjmdb9lunqodmevqsbddki3qpq0 • ▶️ TWITTER / gsh_electrical • ▶️ TikTok • #GSHElectrical #Electricaltrainingvideos #switch