Copper Pipe Bracing Solder Copper Pipe How To Plumbing


Copper Pipe Bracing. Solder Copper Pipe | How To Plumbing • Click here http:// and get all the supplies and tools you will need to solder copper pipe • How to solder copper pipe and re-pipe home. Well, how did this come about? I felt that there's was a lot of people out there that like Diy projects and they do have the skill, and some of us have more time then we have money, but they all have one thing in common is they just need a little encouragement and close up on know-how. And in this video, I provide just that. Every shot is close up and personal. I made these videos with the mindset of, How would I want to learn by watching videos, and these are the results. Close-up shots of what is really going on. You know let me see a move to the sideman. I don't want to see you I want to see what you're doing. I can't learn anything looking at you show me that work, please. Thank you! J Yep that's just how I feel when I watch a video and the guy in the videos just wants to show himself and talk and talk and talk and close to the end, he shows a little shot of the work. Thanks a lot, Pal for wasting my time. Now in these how to solder copper pipe and re-pipe home you will learn things like How to solder copper pipe, How to keep from burning things around you, How to hang copper pipe to the floor joist, how to prepare the copper pipe and pipe fitting to be soldered, Soldering copper pipe and fitting in the horizontal position, how to solder Dielectric unions on water heater without burning the inserts, and much more. Soldering copper pipe is not as hard as it may seem with a little know-how and practice you can become a pro in no time. Did you know that there are different grades of copper pipe? Yes, there's Type M used mostly on residential jobs like your home and there's Type L used for commercials like large buildings and stores and even some homes were there communities water is very hard. And then there's K Copper This is the thickest of the copper used a lot In A/C lines. K copper and L also come in soft rolls that you can roll out up to 60' but I wouldn't recommend you use it for inside water piping unless you going to roll it out under a cement foundation called the loop system. They also have DWV copper. DWV copper is used for waste and vent in the older homes and businesses DWV Meaning Drainage Waste and Vent. You can find out the type of copper by just reading the side of the pipe the are all labeled. It's important to note whenever you use copper pipe and you're going to tie it into another type of metal pipe like Galvanized you will need a transition fitting to go between the two like a dielectric union so that the two metals don't touch each other because if they do there is something called electrolyzes that travel between the two making the metals crude out fast then normal. I buy a lot of my copper pipe from Plumbing Supply Houses, The Home Depot, Lowe's, and when you buy copper fitting, and if you going to do a large job like re-pipe your home get the contractors pack and safe money. The type of flux I get is called (NOCORED ) Solder type (Lead-free) any brand. The sand cloth I get the (Fiberglass cloth )good wet or dry. Gas (acetylene) in the blue bottle and your local hardware store. I Always keep a pair of Channel Lock Pliers' in my back pocket when I'm working for quick and easy access when I need to egg shape and copper fitting to stay in place. Always egg shape it when the fitting is on the pipe because if you egg shape it before that it will be hard to put on the pipe. Find out more at these web sites http:// • ~-~~-~~~-~~-~ • Please watch: Pex Pipe Plumbing (The Complete Series) •    • Pex Pipe Plumbing (The Complete Series)   • ~-~~-~~~-~~-~ • Mailing Address • Claude Taylor • B.O. Box 1251 • New Waverly, TX 77358 • [email protected]


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