quotTHE RC FISHING POLEquot fits on any RC BOAT
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=dHXeclr8ge0
http://www.rcfishingworld.com • • This is how to attach THE RC FISHING POLE to a rc boat. It fits on any r/c boat, and will turn it into a rc boat that you can catch fish with. Any size fish! The line disconnects when a fish hits, or drop the line. Use the rc boat instead of casting, attach your line, and hook and then you can drive it out and drop it anywhere. R/C Boats can take your line hundreds of feet out! Also there's another option that you'll like too. For small fish, (use a small hook), you can attach your line on the end of The RC Fishing Pole and troll around, then when you catch a fish, drive the boat to you, the boat will bring in the fish!