How did the British colonize India 17571947


The English colonial empire was gigantic, and even today, the king of England has 15 crowns of autonomous kingdoms, but all members of a commercial alliance: the Commonwealth. So how did the English dominate the world? And above all, why did they found such a big state, the empire where the sun never sets , as they used to say at the time? I propose to understand the empire through a particular case: India. Today it is a republic, but in the past Queen Victoria of England was proclaimed Empress of India in Delhi in 1877. With 200 years of British presence there, there is quite a history to be discovered! • ➤ Catch up on our episode on the Seven Years War: • 🖋 Writing : Benjamin Brillaud, Jean de Boisséson and Lucas Pacotte • 🎞 Montage : Dead Will / Wilfried Kaiser • ➤ A big thank you to David Goovaerts for making the maps for the video! • -------------------------------------------- • ➤➤➤ Sources at the end of the description • -------------------------------------------- • 🔸Join me on the networks!🔸 • ➜ Instagram:   / notabeneinenglish   • ➜ TikTok:   / notabeneinenglish   • -------------------------------------------- • ➤➤ Link to the other languages : • French, original :    • Comment les Anglais ont-ils colonisé ...   • Spanish :    • Cómo colonizaron los británicos la In...   • ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---- • ➤➤➤ Learn more: • ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---- • Virmani A., Atlas historique de l'Inde, Editions Autrement, Paris, 2012. • Klein J.-F. Laux C. (dir.), Les sociétés coloniales à l'âge des empires : Afrique, Antilles, Asie, années 1850-années 1950, Ellipses, Paris, 2012. • Bensimon F, The British Empire, PUF, Paris, 2013. • Markovits C. (ed.), Histoire de l'Inde moderne, 1480-1950, Fayard, 1994. • Grataloup C. (ed.), Atlas historique mondial, L'Histoire/Les Arènes, 2019. • Dorigny M. al, Grand atlas des empires coloniaux : des premières colonisations aux décolonisations : XVe-XXIe siècles, Autrement, Paris, 2015. • Lafont J.-M., Le combat des sikhs , in : L'Histoire, July-August 2003. • Pouchepadass J., A la cour des maharajas , in : L'Histoire, July-August 2003. • Lefevre C., La splendeur des Grands Moghols , in : L'Histoire, July-August 2003. • Chrétien J.-P., Pourquoi l'Europe a conquis le monde , in : L'Histoire, October 2005. • Guerrand R.-H., Les famines en Inde : la colonisation en question , in : L'Histoire, December 1990. • Singaravélou P., Une empire pacifique? , in : Les Anglais, la nation impériale, Les Collections de L'Histoire, 2017. • Singaravélou P., L'Inde a-t-elle été vraiment colonisée ? , in : L'Histoire, July-August 2017. • Bates C., La grande peur des cipayes , in: L'Histoire, July-August 2017.


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