Edward Snowdens Old Job BoozAllenHamilton
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=f5lpOgWex_4
Video theme song: • Video • A Useful Idiot just wanted to take a closer look at the company Edward Snowden, noted NSA whistleblower, used to work for...particularly as the present head of the NSA is himself a former Booz, Allen, Hamilton employee.This company is not only a poster child for the government/corporate partnership, the explosion in the security industry, and also the revolving door between public and private sector - but it is also OWNED by the Carlyle Group, another poster child for the government/corporate partnership, the explosion in the security industry,and also the revolving door between public and private sector.Executives from Booz, Allen have ended up in the biggest corporations in media and banking around the world as well as top government posts.Conflicts of interest and moral hazard are inevitable. • The story:http://www.businessweek.com/articles/...
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