All About Binding Styles
Ready to start building your own books? There are two types of book binding: punch and bind, and sort and bind. Punch and bind is characterized by punching a hole on the edge of your document and threading a binding element into the holes. This would be your standard plastic coils, combs, wire binding and more. Sort and bind you melt an adhesive around the spine and glue together the document. This would be the FastBack, Masterbind, and UniBind systems. Depending on what you're needing for your project, both methods will help cut costs in the long run. If you're still not sure, this is a great place to start. • Subscribe to our channel for more tips on how to create the perfectly bound document or just stay up to date with what's happening at • Sign up to our weekly newsletter and get discounts and deals delivered straight to your mailbox: • Follow us all your favorite social media sites: • ➤ Facebook: / mybinding • ➤ LinkedIn: / • ➤ News: • Product(s) used in this video: