Good Weighing Practice and safety factors for weighing applications en
This video emphasizes the importance of selecting a weighing device that is accurate enough for your intended weighing purpose. Doing this will ensure reliable testing results and good product quality • Every tool has an intended purpose. Imagine you want to measure the height of a child. A simple tape measure would do, but you would never use a tape measure to calculate the length of a small-engineered component. Likewise, you would not use a laser beam to measure the height of a child. It is the same with weighing. The correct selection of a weighing device cannot be made by referring to a datasheet alone. It should also be linked to your weighing requirements • Connect with METTLER TOLEDO online: • Visit METTLER TOLEDO website: • Find METTLER TOLEDO on LinkedIn: / mettlertoledo • Find METTLER TOLEDO on Facebook: / mettlertoledo