How To Strengthen Your Transverse Abdominal Muscle
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ • Did you know your body has a natural “corset like” muscle that wraps around your trunk stabilizing your core and spine? Well, now you know. So, if you have a waist trainer or some other bleep like it, this is a sign to throw that out. • The transverse abdominis, or transverse abdominal muscle, is one of the lesser-known abdominal muscles. With all that it is responsible for, including stabilization, you should get acquainted with it. Today, we go over what the transverse abdominis is as well as ways to strengthen this muscle so take notes. • Your transverse abdominis stabilizes your core and spine to ensure your • body moves properly, which is SO important for long term pain-free and aligned living. Learn more about this muscle and how to strengthen in the MoveU Membership. • #anatomy #core #abs #exercises #pain #transverseabdominis