Puppies Week 1ENSWhat You Need to be Alert ForRaising a LitterThe Retriever Nation
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=hTDxO3i0U8Q
WEEK ONE: Weight milestones to hit, ENS, puppy power shake of homemade glucose solution, pig rails, how much to feed momma and much more! How much work is it? What should you expect? How is Momma doing? What are your responsibilities? Follow the entire process from breeding, to whelping, to raising a litter to seven weeks at THE RETRIEVER NATION, Jasmine's Journey. • The Retriever Nation: • / @theretrievernation • #TheRetrieverNation #TRN #Litterofpuppies • Puppy Power Shake • (5% Glucose solution): • 1 tsp Karo corn syrup • 4 Tbsp boiled water • few grains of table salt (sodium chloride) • few grains of salt substitute (potassium chloride) • https://gordonsetterexpert.org/tag/gl...