Next Generation Technology Quantum Terahertz Therapy Device
The Future of Medicine is NOW! • Buy Now - • Introducing The Quantum Physiotherapy Terahertz Light Wave Energy Device With Self-Healing Power. The Possibilities Are Endless • This Quantum Light Wave Energy Device is able to penetrate up to 11 inches into the body down to the bone stimulating stem cells without damaging living tissue and DNA. • Want to get rid of pain, improve your immunity, improve your overall health and get long-term benefits, look no further. • GOD'S WAVEBAND • “The Future Medicine will be the Medicine of Frequencies.” ― Albert Einstein • “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.” ― Nikola Tesla • The Terahertz Frequency DICTATES THE FREQUENCY OF LIFE. • In fact, it’s been called “THE WAVE OF LIFE”, “LIGHT OF LIFE”, “DIVINE FREQUENCY”, and “GOD’S WAVEBAND.” • The body itself is a heat source that absorbs or emits terahertz waves. When high-frequency terahertz waves are used on the body, the cells receive a large number of negative ions that cancel out the excessive accumulation of positive ions in the cellular environment of the body, thereby “recharging” the cells and activating them, thus improving metabolism and raising the body temperature. Once the body temperature increases, immunity of the body will also be strengthened. • THERAPEUTIC BENEFITS OF TERAHERTZ QUANTUM LIGHT WAVE ENERGY • Activate normal cells. • Repair damaged cells. • Recognize and destroy abnormal cells. • Detox lymphatic circulation rapidly. • Stimulate better micro-circulation rapidly. • Remove deep tissue coldness and dampness rapidly. • Strengthen the functioning of organs. • Delay onset of aging symptoms. • The capacity of DNA, RNA, and proteins to catalyze energetic reactions and convey information depends on their vibrational states and phonon modes accessible using TERAHERTZ. • “The natural healing force within each of us is the greatest force in getting well.” ― Hippocrates • “Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease.” ― Hippocrates • “Those who cannot be cured by medicine can be cured by surgery. Those who cannot be cured by surgery can be cured by fire [hyperthermia]. Those who cannot be cured by fire, they are indeed incurable.” • ― Hippocrates • • “If there’s a way to heat the bones, then all diseases can be treated.” ― Hippocrates • Heat has profound effects on cells. Hyperthermia does not damage, and may actually enhance the immune system. • The iTeraCare device uses Terahertz Energy which is abundant in the atmosphere. • This Terahertz energy is SAFE and non-ionizing. In contrast, ionizing radiation has a higher frequency and shorter wavelength than non-ionizing radiation and can be a serious health hazard. • These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.