My Little Dashie Comic Version
READ BY MicTheMicrophone • UPDATE ABOUT SEQUEL (1-13-17) • I am planning to make another comic video about the Official sequel (written by Ty500600, and read by DerpyPony22 which is here: • My Little Dashie Sequel A Dramatic Re... ) • Once I find a comic that follows the reading I linked above, I'll start it • UPDATE 1-6-16 A user by the name of God of Hell reminded me that theres a comic of the sequal. • I'm planning to make a comic version to the sequal, but I'm trying to find a decent dramatic reading of it since MicTheMicrophone didn't do a reading of the sequal • There are a few scenes that weren't drawn • Took 2 days and a total of 8 hours to do this • Original Audio - (( • My Little Dashie - Read by Mic The Mi... )) • Original Comic - • FOLLOW ME • / thehtfamv •!/TheHTFAmv