Videoscribe Tutorial 01 Videoscribe Introduction Whiteboard Animation Getting Started
Hello Everyone!! My name is Puranjan and welcome to my youtube channel teachtech. I am here to teach everything about the videoscribe through series of videos and practice sessions. In case if you don’t know, videoscribe is a whiteboard animation software. Whiteboard animation is the process in which an author physically draws and records an illustrated story using a whiteboard. In whiteboard animations, the author usually shares his or her stories that are drawn by hand or marker. This makes the viewers to get engaged more than on the other ways of story telling. We can also add voice over that makes the viewers to see the animations with soothing sounds that makes the viewers more focused in the action. • You should not have to get any background knowledge to start with this program. All you need is a computer with the videoscribe software installed.. and that’s it we are ready to go. • We will start from the very basics with knowing all the features of the softwares and end creating great animations. we will also learn about adding our images and other contents . we will also learn how to add the whiteboard animations we created into other editing softwares like Camtasia. Whiteboard animations are great way to deleiver your stories as • 1. Whiteboard animations are very focused. • 2. this animation style is universal • 3. clear to understand • 4. cheaper to produce and less time to edit. • So, I think now you are conviced that the whiteboard animtaions are useful and videoscribe can make it in the best way, So, Lets get started.. • #videoscribe #whiteboardanimation #tutorial1 • Official email: [email protected]