Tenant of Wildfell Hall Chap 45 The PartyThe Studio

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Illustrations interspersed throughout the reading. • Chapter 4: Mrs. Markham hosts a party. She has invited Helen Graham, but Helen declined. During the party, naturally, almost everybody there spent some time gossiping about Helen, especially the talkative Mrs. Wilson. People present were Mrs. Wilson and her children, Richard, Robert and Jane Wilson. Others in attendence were Reverend Millward, Mary Millward, and Eliza Millward, as well as Frederick Lawrence. The guests eat and talk and dance. Lawrence and Gilbert talk a little about Helen. Lawrence and Gilbert are not close friends, and there is a bit of coolness between the two. Reverend Millward abruptly stops his daughters from dancing later in the evening, and starts to leave. Gilbert steals a kiss from Eliza behind the reverend`s back, but his mother sees and strongly disapproves. She does not admire Eliza and wants Gilbert to pick someone better. • Chapter 5: Gilbert and his sister Rose visit Helen Graham at her home and discover she is an artist. She paints in her studio and has someone who sells her paintings for her and sends her the money. There is a fleeting arrival of a mysterious man, whom Arthur calls «Mama's friend». This man runs away quickly. Helen discloses (when asked) that she mislabels where her paintings originate from, to throw off certain «acquaintances» from finding out where she lives. Gilbert sees a painting of Arthur as a baby. He also picks up a small painting that Helen had deliberately concealed by facing it toward the wall instead of outward. It is of a man. Gilbert asks about it, but Helen grabs it and reacts hastily with irritation. This offends Gilbert a little. As Rose and Gilbert begin to take their leave, Helen apologizes to Gilbert by softly saying, Let the sun not go down upon your wrath, Mr. Markham. His heart is warmed and they part on happy and friendly terms after all. • #annebronte #audiobook #readaloud


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