10 minutes with Carl Verheyen Tim Pierce Interview
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=pHr8HjB-enI
https://www.timpierce.com/masterclass... • https://www.allguitarnetwork.com/page... • IG @timpierceguitar • I've known Carl Verheyen for a long time. We've both traveled the same LA studios for many years. Carl is a great player, and in this interview he teaches us some important things, and shares his history. • Carl is visiting our masterclass in a few days to give an in depth lesson...we will edit and release his new teaching episode in a couple of weeks :) • Thanks so much to all you who have joined us in the masterclass. • Tim • https://www.timpierce.com • / timpierceguitar • / timpierceguitar