745899 Spliced SMB2J Any Human Sum of Best Demonstration

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DISCLAIMER: This run is not legitimate. This is a run spliced for the sole purpose of showcasing the timesaves of the current SMB2J Any% human sum of best against my 7:51.956 WR splits. All levels were played full level. • TIMESAVES: • 1-1: Saves 3 framerules (-1.05) over WR by using the koopa shell to precisely clip into the floor and doing FFPG. This is the biggest timesave that a single level can provide over my 7:51, however, getting this in a run would be incredibly hard and would also require a frame perfect start press to manip cointoss on top of the multitude of frame perfects you have to execute in half a second to get the floor clip. • 1-2: Saves 2 framerules (-0.7) over WR with full goomba skip and all around faster execution. Full goomba skip is run viable, but it's an 8 subpixel window to get it with the possibility of getting 0 framed, so it's very difficult. • 4-1: Saves 1 framerule (-0.35) over WR with FPG. I do my setup here which involves: Landing on the first pixel of the spring while holding D+R, full jumping on frame 242 then releasing B, walking and jumping to the 1st pixel of the 2nd stair, doing a right release mid-air to manip subspeed, and doing a 4 frame jump off the top step to get D70. • 4-2: Saves 2 framerules (-0.7) over WR with TAS accel + FPG. TAS accel is the easy part of this framerule save since you need D20 pole inputs to save a frame walking to the castle in order to barely squeeze out R00. • 4-3: Saves 0 framerules (-0.0) over WR. This framerule is basically the same thing as pl8-1. • 4-4: Saves 1 framerule (-0.35) over WR with FFA + a perfect clip. This framerule is so tight that it usually comes down to weird bridge collapse framerule mechanics + probably camera scroll as well, but at least R02 is possible under RTA rules. • 5-1: Saves 2 framerules (-0.7) over WR with TAS accel + walljump + FPG with extra frame save to squeeze out R00. The setup I did in this video was an RLA setup I found, but nowadays I prefer a setup I found that simply does a lightning 4-2 wiggle + 5 framer for the walljump for D70. • 5-2: Saves 1 framerule (-0.35) over WR. This framerule is very tight and incredibly difficult, but in short, it requires: UFA, very precise subpixels and subspeed, 15hz mashing with 3 frame perfect jumps in the pipe and a frame perfect D+R, fast accel in warpzone, and multiple other frame perfects I didn't mention here. • 8-1: Saves 1 framerule (-0.35) over WR with h8-1 + FPG. Based on what frame you enter 8-1, the wind will mess with your subpixels differently, so you'll likely have to do a specific setup based on that frame. For this video I simply used frame 8-2 (R00 5-2) since I got lightning 5-2 with 0 frames to spare, so it transitions well. The setup for this frame is also pretty easy since it's just Kriller37's h8-1 setup + simply losing 2 subpixels for D70. • 8-2: Saves 2 framerules (-0.7) over WR with a fast accel + fast decel + faster vine climb strat + FPG. Fast accel at the start isn't needed for this rule and was only done in this IL for extra leniency. • 8-3: Saves 1 framerule (-0.35) over WR with FPG. This requires a complete YOLO mavpole to get since the koopa is in the way, so good luck finding a setup 😹. • 8-4: Saves 28 frames (-0.47) over WR with TAS bar skip, TAS accels, and FFAs. This 8-4 IL of 55.575, as well as all of the other framerules showcased in this demonstration, tie the no L+R small mario TAS with a 7:45.899!


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