Frankie Cosmos interview part 1
Support Us: / faceculture • Greta about her first band, her mother’s opinion about her singing, having an audience, being on stage, her first tour, Frankie Cosmo’s DIY attitude, and not crafting songs for the radio. • More video's: • Twitter: / _faceculture • Facebook: / faceculture • Instagram: / faceculture • Video interview with singer Greta Kline of the American indie-rock band Frank Cosmos. FaceCulture spoke with Greta about how her music talks about herself, her first band, her mother’s opinion about her singing, having an audience, Frankie Cosmo’s DIY attitude, the album Next Thing, the new record Vessel, how she learned to be on stage, the song Accommodate, her public image, and much more! (14/02/2018)