Silvia Federici quotMeToo and the New Forms of Capital Accumulationquot
The New Centre for Research Practice is a Non-profit higher-education institution providing graduate-level seminars in philosophy, art curatorial practice, media technology as well as transdisciplinary studies. Become a Member of The New Centre to access the full archive of our past seminars from 2014 onwards. To learn more about Membership and subscribe, please visit: ////////////////////////////////////// Across the world, in the wake of the restructuring of the global economy, violence against women has increased both quantitatively and qualitatively. More women are murdered and assaulted and in more brutal ways in and out of their homes. In her presentation, Federici examines the relation between this intensification of violence against women and the new forms of capitalist accumulation, reflecting on their significance for the struggle that women must make to resist this violence and create a more just society. • Lecture with discussion to follow. $5 suggested donation to help cover costs of expenses, no one turned way for lack of funds. • Dr. Silvia Federici is a feminist activist, writer, and a teacher. In 1972 she was one of the co-founders of the International Feminist Collective, the organization that launched the international campaign for Wages For Housework (WFH). In the 1990s, after a period of teaching and research in Nigeria, she was active in the anti-globalization movement and the U.S. anti-death penalty movement. She is one of the co-founders of the Committee for Academic Freedom in Africa, an organization dedicated to generating support for the struggles of students and teachers in Africa against the structural adjustment of African economies and educational systems. From 1987 to 2005 she taught international studies, women studies, and political philosophy courses at Hofstra University in Hempstead, NY. All through these years she has written books and essays on philosophy and feminist theory, women’s history, education and culture, and more recently the worldwide struggle against capitalist globalization and for a feminist reconstruction of the commons. • This event is co-sponsored by the Institute for Anarchist Studies, Anarres Project for Alternative Futures, KBOO Radio, the PDX IWW General Defense Committee, Portland State University Faculty Association - AFT, Portland Democratic Socialists of America, and other radical organizations.