PharoJS for Real World Applications ESUG 2022
Talk presented by Noury Bouraqadi at the ESUG 2022 conference. • PharoJS dates back to 2015. True to Pharo's philosophy, it was started to build real world software. Actually, the initial motivation behind PharoJS was building mobile applications based Web technologies using Cordova (formaly PhoneGap).This means that for production, Pharo code is transpiled to Javascript to benefit from JS's portability and speed. But, for development, we wanted to benefit from Pharo's unique set of features and IDE. To do so, PharoJS provides a framework and a toolset that supports integrating Pharo code with third-party JS libraries. It also enables testing and debugging applications running on a JS interpreter. We'll discuss these features, and how they were successfully used to produce real world software. • Bio: Noury Bouraqadi is a software developer, maker, repair hobbyist, environment/technology/robots lover[]. Currently, Noury works part-time as a university professor at IMT Nord Europe, in the Autonomous and ResilienT Systemsgroup. His remaining work time is dedicated to a startup that uses PharoJS [] to build a SAS for teaching PLC programming factory automation: PLC3000 []. Dave Mason is Professor in, and currently Chair of, the School of Computer Science at Ryerson University []. He is member of the Software Analysis Research Group. Dave is interested in topics such as environments and tools to support developing code in the highly-productive, Smalltalk language and environment while deploying in other contexts such as in web browsers and nodeJS (PharoJS[]), the Java Virtual Machine.