Community stands together against farm attacks
Our whole community came together to raise awareness of this huge problem in our mids. • Op 30-10-2017 het die gemeenskap van Vaalharts saamgestaan vir bewusmaking van die grusame plaasmoorde wat regoor ons land plaasvind. • Enable CC bottom right to see English captions/subtitles. • On 30-10-2017 the community of the Vaalharts Irrigation Scheme stood together as part of a country wide plan to let the world know what is happening in our country. Farmers are being slaughtered, tortured, and the government doesn't lift a finger to make a difference. • ~-~~-~~~-~~-~ • Please watch: Hunt Zimbabwe with Greg, the legend. Maybe we even get a Honey Badger • • Get Your Hunt On With Greg The Legend... • ~-~~-~~~-~~-~