Recent progress in Grobner bases by Prof Shuhong Gao talk on 20131016 part 1
Polynomial systems are ubiquitous in Mathematics, Sci- ence, and Engineering, and Gro ̈bner basis theory is one of the most powerful tools for solving polynomial systems in practice. Buchberger introduced in 1965 the first algorithm for computing Gr ̈obner bases and it has been implemented in most computer algebra systems (e.g. Maple, Mathematica, Magma, etc.). Faugere presented two algorithms: F4 (1999) and F5 (2002), with the latter being the fastest algorithm known in the last decade. In this talk, I shall present an overview on recent progress on efficient algorithms for computing Gr ̈obner bases, including a recent algorithm which is a joint work with Frank Volny IV (National Security Agency) and Mingsheng Wang (Chinese Academy of Science). • The slides are at • • and Prof Gao's webpage • • has his paper.