Christianitys Surprising Resurgence An Ivan Illich Perspective Dougald Hine
Author, activist and educator, Dougald Hine returns to the show this week for a discussion that is simultaneously timely and timeless. • If you’ve been following along on the blog, you’ll know that I have been wrestling with how to say things, with whom and to what end given how the world is going. • One of the topics I had been meaning to record on for months now was the resurgence of Christianity: whether it is surprising or not, whether it is automatically reactionary, whether it is a sign of things improving or devolving. And I tried coming at that from several angles including recording a whole solo show before leaving Paraguay on the topic that I didn’t release but found none of them were satisfactory. • Then I messaged Dougald about it and it turns out it’s an area he is also exploring, both personally and ‘culturally’ (whatever that means) right now. Plus, he’s something of an aficionado of the works of Ivan Illich -whose insight is especially useful in these times. So he graciously agreed to come back on the show to prove the point that two heads are definitely better than one. • We explore the possible why of Christianity’s resurgence, who ‘owns’ it and what happens if we don’t engage, plus its different forms and mutations. Then we turn to Ivan Illich himself: beginning with a biography and an overview of his thought, before finishing with what he might have to say about these very strange times we are living through. (And depending on when you catch this episode, there is still time to get in on some Illich discussions with Dougald. Details in the show notes. • • 🔼🔼SHOW NOTES🔼🔼 • Dougald’s Substack. Subscribe for access details for the Illich discussions. • • Here’s a series from Dougald’s substack called Into The Deep exploring Christianity’s return: • • • • 'Regrowing A Living Culture' - A School Called Home • • Dougald’s first appearance on the show, discussing his book, At Work In The Ruins. • • • 🔼🔼 WHAT NEXT?🔼🔼 • ✅ Sign up to the newsletter so you never miss a podcast or blog post: • • • ✅ Join the Rune Soup Premium Membership for hundreds of hours of magical training: • • • ✅ Join the Rune Soup Telegram Group: • • • ✅ Book a shamanic healing session with Gordon: • • • 🔼🔼ABOUT RUNE SOUP🔼🔼 • Rune Soup is a podcast channel that platforms the most important discussions at the cutting edge of magic, animism and spirit work. • Gordon is chaos magician, shamanic practitioner, podcaster, author and permaculture designer with a background in data and analytics gained at some of the world's largest media companies. He is the author of four books on magic, animism and star lore: Star.Ships: A Prehistory of the Spirits, The Chaos Protocols, Pieces of Eight and Ani.Mystic: Encounters With A Living Cosmos. • When not travelling, Gordon hosts his weekly show, Rune Soup, from a small permaculture farm in southern Tasmania.