Perry v Schwarzenegger Oral Arguments
Perry v. Schwarzenegger Oral Arguments - U.S. Court of Appeals - 296911-1-DVD - 2010-12-06 - U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. A panel of three federal judges heard arguments in the Perry v. Schwarzenegger, the Proposition 8 (or the California Marriage Protection Act) case. The 9th Circuit heard an appeal of an August ruling by U.S. District Judge Vaughn R. Walker, who presided over a trial that found the ban on same-sex marriage to be unconstitutional. The first hour of the hearing lawyers addressed issues of legal authority, or standing. The second hour addressed the merits of the appeal. There is a brief break in the live programming in which the opening testimony was replayed. Filmed by C-SPAN. Non-commercial use only. For more information, see