Marginal Analysis ShortRun Profit Maximization CMA USPART 2 Lec 5


This Video covers Marginal Analysis and Short-Run Profit Maximization . The following topics are covered in this video. • 1- What is marginal revenue, • 2- What is a marginal product, • 3- What is marginal (also called incremental) cost, • 4- What is profit maximization, marginal revenue = marginal cost, • 6- How to find profit maximization quantity, • 7- What is Short-Run Cost Relationships, • 8- Accounting Costs vs. Economic Costs, Explicit vs. Implicit Costs • Explicit, Accounting profit vs economic profit, • 7- Practice Questions of marginal analysis, • • #CMA, #CPA, #CMAPART2, #CMAUSA • • What is marginal revenue, What is a marginal product, What is marginal (also called incremental) cost, What is profit maximization, marginal revenue = marginal cost, How to find profit maximization quantity, What are Short-Run Cost Relationships, Accounting Costs vs. Economic Costs, Explicit vs. Implicit Costs, Accounting profit vs economic profit, What is marginal analysis, what is short-run costs relationship, how to calculate economic profit, what is average total cost, average variable cost, average fixed cost, Practice Questions of marginal analysis,, CPA, CMA, CMA lecture series, CMA part 2 videos, best lecture for CMA, CMA US, ACCA, CA, cost and management accounting,


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