Study Finds Allergy Drops May be a Better CostEffective Option Compared to Allergy Shots
Allergies are one of the leading causes of chronic illness in the U.S., affecting as many as 60 million people each year. • Many people have experienced allergies to pets, food or pollen receiving allergy shots for treatment. • But new research from the University of Missouri shows drop therapy may be more cost-effective for the U.S. health care system. • MU researchers looked at both drop and shot therapy to comparing how well patients stuck with the treatments, the success rate and the cost to health insurance providers. • In most cases, the study found drops to be the clear winner. • Insurance companies don’t always cover allergy drops, but the hope is that the research will encourage more of them to do so. • • • Subscribe now ➤ • For more great content from the Higher Education Channel check us out at: • Facebook ➤ • Twitter ➤ • Instagram ➤