Psychoanalysis of Jacques Lacan The Mirror The Imaginary The Symbolic The Real


Lecture 19, 20(Understand different theories of Jacques Lacan) • LECTURE: 21: Next video is coming on the post-structuralist Feminism and a look at how does they criticize Freud and Lacan. • ABOUT VIDEO: • This video has 4 parts. First is is an introduction about a French psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan who develops his theory using a variety of different ideas including Freud, Derrida and important structuralists and proves that there is no self or ego but an illusion of it. Second part is about Jacques Lacan's idea of the Real which is one of stages Lacan's explains in the development of the self and ego. The third part is about Jacques Lacan's idea of the Imaginary and its part the Mirror Image which makes the idea of self, though through misrecognition and illusion. And the last part discusses Jacques Lacan's idea of the Symbolic which says that how language is developed at this stage and what are the governing features of structuring the laws of language the world. • • THIS VIDEO COVERS TOPICS: • Freud's idea of human self. • Who is Jacques Lacan? • How does Jacques Lacan develop his theory? • Freud and Humanism. • Mission of Sigmund Freud. • Mission of Jacques Lacan. • How does Lacan contradict Freud? • The notion of the Unconscious by Lacan. • Lacan view of the language. • The unconscious is made up of the signifiers. • There is no real self or ego? • 'I' is a very peculiar kind of signifier. • Sigmund Freud's stages of Psychosexual development. • 3 stages of the development of the self by Lacan. • The Real stage is about: completeness, perfection, no absence or void or lack, no boundaries between the self the other defined, no separation from mother yet, need and satisfaction only. • Infant in Need stage. • Need stage needs a tragedy(loss of unity with mother) to enter into the Symbolic realm. • The Imaginary Stage • Idea of other but no idea of self • The Mirror Stage • Whole complete figure of the infant • Misrecognition of identification • Meconnaissance • How is ego or self created? • Idea of self is an illusion • There is no real self or ego • Why the Mirror stage is the part of the Imaginary Stage? • Why is the Imaginary Stage called so? • In Imaginary stage, individual's idea of self is based on images or imaginations • Imaginary stage is prelinguistic stage • Idea of complete self recovers the sense of loss happened in the Real stage • How does the child consider its 'self' as 'other'? • How is the self the other? • Several meanings of the other: other with capital O (Other) • What is Lacan's idea of the Symbolic phase? • Language is learnt in the Symbolic phase, how? • How does a child enter into the Symbolic phase? • What is the significance of language because the lauguage compensates lack? • How does a child enter into the language culture? • What is the link between Derrida's idea of center Lacan's idea of the Symbolic? • What is the Oedipal in Lacan's idea? • How does Lacan explains that father is the structuring principle of the Symbolic language? • How does superego is created in Lacan's the Symbolic phase? • What is Lacan's idea of Desire? • Lacan says that civilization is based on the lack but Derrida says that Western culture and philosophy prioritizes presence, how so? • Lacan says that a child sees otherness of the other gender, how? • How do boys girls enter into the Symbolic realm differently? • Differences similarities between the phallus the Real stage? • • RECOMMENDED READING/VIDEOS FOR THIS TOPIC: • 1. Derrida's Notion of Center    • What is Derrida's concept of Center? ...   • 2. Part-1(Sigmund Freud and Psychoanalysis)    • Psychoanalytical Theory of Sigmund Fr...   • 3. part-2 (Stages of Psychosexual Development by Sigmund Freud) •    • Stages of Psychosexual Development by...   • 4. Part-3 ( Psychosexual Theory of Sigmund Freud)    • Psychosexual Theory of Sigmund Freud:...   • 5. What is Structuralism?    • What is Structuralism? : An Easy Guide   • 6. Ferdinand Da Saussure    • Ferdinand De Saussure   Structuralism...   • 7. Claude Levi-Strauss    • Structuralism and Myth Study of Claud...   • • FOR THE WHE GUIDE OF LITERARY THEORIES CRITICISM, watch this playlist:    • Literary Theory: A Guide for the Perp...   • • ALSO WATCH: • ▶️Playlist on American literature:    • American literature   • ▶️Playlist containing existentialist topics:    • Existentialism and its Movements   • • SOURCE: a lecture series based on book Literary Theory: A Guide for the Perplexed by Mary Klages and it clarifies all doubts you have about literary theory and criticism. • These lectures start from Plato and ends with Postmodernism. • Subscribe and Like and share and comment if you have any inquiry or thought. • • HASHTAGS: • #psychoanalysis #jacqueslacan #selfisanillusion #thereal #theimaginary. #thesymbolic #thereisnoego #sigmundfreud #psychosexualtheoryofsigmundfreud #humanself #thereal #theimaginary #thesymbolic #language


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