oscar pond by dazt8 dublin ireland
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=wt4OBkztnF0
oscar pond d.i.y background pond size 9ft x 4ft x 2.8ft deep........ SKIPPY FILTER .......http://www.skippysstuff.com/biofiltr.... gallons......829.us gallons....... • pumps 4 x 1500 liters per hour .spray bar 1/4 inch pvc pipe run with 1600 liters per hour power head.6 x under water lights low vol 20 watt blue blubs.......fish so far 3 long finned albino oscars....4 red oscars.....2 red tiger oscars...1 tiger oscar....4 red tiger albino oscars .have had fish tanks for years but this is the way to go .......pics at http://s630.photobucket.com/albums/uu... yous .Pink Floyd backing music also norman thompson so far away cound not have done it with out you....robbie for help on the back round .nikki 4 block work... keith 4 droping in...........carol xxxx megan and dylan 4 putting up with me xxxxx....and TheFishGuy @ http://www.cichlid-forum.com/phpBB/vi... great site for all oscar lovers • last and not least the oscars only for them it wound have being a hot bubbly Jucussi .......................................