The Police assisting the Illegal Bailiffquots Part 4


   • Proof The Police Are A Business   • At this point there is no doubt that the Derbyshire Police are assisting the Illegal Bailiff s and are in breach of section 26, the Robert White V Regina and Breach of the Peace and assisting a Robbery, theft, fraud. No Writ and no EX96 and the creditor or his appointed Agent has to be at the eviction and they have to sign the EX96 to give the Bailiff the authority to carry out his duty, otherwise it is Illegal and fraudulent. Fraud violates everything. Keep waiting as we will also show that the Illegal Bailiff gang also use excessive force which is also Illegal. We also have proof of fraud and theft committed by Debbie Crosbie and her corrupt legal team and corruption in the court s and HM Land Registery.


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