MZW Crystal Caves


“It is in our nature to explore, to reach out into the unknown. The only true failure would be not to explore at all.” • Ernest Shackleton • As part of last year's MZW 2023 Summer Program, we visited the Crystal Caves in Kutztown, PA. These caves have all been formed over years of nature's power- that same power is accessible to you. Take 5 minutes today outside in nature, and observe the majesty of the world around you! • The strategic intent of the MZW Summer Program is the growth of each student, accessed by expanding our capacity through various activities and overall embracing any uncomfortability life offers us. When we feel most uncomfortable, this is a direct message that we are growing and evolving. We are shedding a previous iteration of ourself who was comfortable in these conditions, and metamorphosing into our present self who has now adjusted to the new circumstances. For more information on our programs, email us at [email protected], check us out on Instagram or Facebook, or open up on your devices! • #vingtsun #kungfu #modernzenwarrior #mzw #affrimations #deeperconnection #inspiration #tranquility #breathtakinglandscapes #serene #environments #transformativepowerofnature #mzwvlogs #shiftingenergy #energy #lawofvibration #creation #power #vibrateandcreate #mindsetvibrations #lawofattraction #vingtsunfun #kungfulife #balance #meditation #zen #zenkungfu #zenlife #zenliving


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