Superboy Versus The Crime Syndicate Bendis Superman 9 Review
Superman #9 starts on Earth-3, where Superboy Jon Kent comes face to face with the Crime Syndicate. How can he escape the twisted Ultraman and return to his home universe? Wait...isn't Ultraman dead? • ------- • Subscribe here: • Looking for comics? Check out my growing list of recommended reading and support the channel: • Follow on Facebook: / detailcomics • Catch up on Twitter: / evolutionofstan • Forever Under Construction Podcast: • ------- • #DCComics • #Superman • #comicbooks • #Superboy • #JonathanKent • #CrimeSyndicate • In Superman #9 Jon Kent is still recounting the adventure that aged him a few years over the course of a few weeks, and this brings the Crime Syndicate into the mix. It's an exciting idea to see Superboy meeting Ultraman, until you remember that Ultraman, Superwoman, Owlman and more all died during Darkseid War. That was the event that kickstarted DC Rebirth and Doomsday Clock. However, things like this don't matter to Brian Michael Bendis (or his editors apparently) and Jon makes his way to their home universe. What does this destroyed planet have to offer? Check out Superman #9 and find out. • iRate Reviews is the show where I go over specific comic books from my pickup that deserve to be talked about and review them in a little bit more depth. This doesn't mean that they are always good though. Some comics are lessons in what NOT to do.