Meet Miles Middleton 2022 Nuffield Farming Scholar
Yorkshire farm vet Miles Middleton will explore how the dairy sector can reach net zero by 2050. He hopes to travel around Europe as well as to North America, South America, and New Zealand. • His Nuffield study Working Towards Net Zero in the Dairy Sector... Trade-offs, Opportunity Costs, and Alternative Allocations for Scarce Resources is sponsored by the Yorkshire Agricultural Society. • Find out more about Miles: • ***** • Nuffield Farming Scholarships are awarded to approximately 20 members of the UK food, farming, horticulture and rural industries each year. These funds give Scholars the opportunity to travel the world studying their chosen topic and bring global best practices back to the UK by sharing their knowledge. • For more information about Nuffield Farming Scholarships, visit or email [email protected]. • Follow us on social media at @NuffieldFarming on Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and Facebook! • #NuffieldFarming #IamNuffield