The Truth about Breatharianism And more on the Freedom path
VIDEO WITH AUTO-SUBTITLES (choose your language by clicking on the wheel down on the right hand side of the video, then select your language if it does not show automatically) • Events : • Subscribe : • Newsletter (where I share personal insights + behind the scenes + promo on events + 1st releases) : • In this video, I, MaryÂm, share about my experience on how to happily and healthily deal with Freedom whether it is on a pranic/breatharian path, financial freedom path, meditation path. • • FOOD FREEDOM : Being able to live perfectly healthy, alive and energized, with very little external food or non at all. Refining our diet in quality and quantity (Omnivore to vegetarian to Vegan to Raw Vegan to fruitarian...) along with living (or building or creating) a Life that is always more and more nourishing/fulfilling to us, allows us, at some point, to live without the need for external food, while being fully nourished. • FINANCIAL FREEDOM : Being in a position when we know how to generate energy in the form of money through our own creativity. Thus we know : • 1) the law of Energy, how it works, and we use it in our Life, • 2) the equation of abundance, • 3) how to precisely systemize our entrances and outrances, and thus freeing our mind and energy (then available for other more nourishing actions in life, such as meditation, nature, self care...) • This video is not about encouraging anyone to follow or not follow any specific path, ethic or practice (diet, meditation, sungazing, solar practices, breathing techniques, fasting, living food free, stop eating, working out/exercising a certain way...). I do share my own experience on a specific path, ethic or practice in the videos I share. This video is simply a testimonial. I do not claim to be a breatharian or living on light or food free , I just follow a path where I naturally refine my food intake in quality and quantity, as my level of energy, awareness and happiness expand, day after day, in the present. • Enjoy ! • The Interview where I share my Freedom path (Meditation, food freedom, financial freedom) : / 10156027746936146 • My video about the blessings of a Freedom path : • Video • Breatharian Series on Supreme Master TV : • Video • The one who initiated me to Inner Light Sound Meditation : • The book From Crisis to Peace : • Breatharian Elitom El-Amin website : • *** • • *** • All Rights reserved for All Countries. • No content replaces the advice of a doctor.